First, I am so happy and excited to be back with Ike at Ike's World Challenge as a design team member again! I always have loved her images and now having it on my list of to do's every month, I can't get caught up with other things and not play with her fabulous images!
Secondly, I know this may not look like it fits challenge #104 What's New with You (New Year, New Stuff, etc.). But as I was looking for an image I saw this one, the first time I had seen it and thought now Dorian Gray had his mirror and when a new year rolled around that reflection got older not gorgeous Dorian! So my fabulously young and vibrant temptress looking over her shoulder while her reflection had grown a year older made me think. Yup me thinking always scary! Out with the old her and in with her stunning self! And of course a bottle of......well, let's just say it is not Revlon! and her first sip of the year she got her new year off to a roaring start! And we all know I love Halloween so I thought we have Half-of-ween in May, might as well have a First Halloween or perhaps New Halloween year start in January! There it is my reasoning behind this image. I love her but I cover my mirrors up! 😁

Colored with Spectrum Noir markers and an attempt to lighten up her hair with a white and blue gel pen (dubious at best!) and then after coloring her older self I used a very light blue for the mirror and then used Golden Gloss Medium to give it a shine. I also gave the little bit of her serum a coat of gloss along with the little bit that she hasn't wiped off her lips and her penetrating blue eyes. I attached the image to a piece of cardstock that I keep by my acrylic painting spot and I always wipe up every bit of that yummy color and make my own papers. Sentiment was a stressful time that I can only say these words about. Photoshop Elements 15 and Adobe Support. Nuff said about that!
Come play with us! You can see my teamies really sweet and awesome interpretations of the theme. So show us what YOUR thoughts are on the subject! As you can see the minds work in many diverse directions on these things!